Kabadi in pairs

Objective – Keep possession and move the ball to space

  1. 4v1 possession in a tight space
  2. 2 boxes – the better the players the smaller the boxes
  3. 2 players working in pairs (ie 4 players) pass to each other in the box
  4. If defender wins the ball they look to escape into the adjacent box by passing to their player
  5. The pair who lost possession loses a player to become the defender in the other box
  6. The pair who did not lose possession join the winning pair in the other box

Do 3 min rotations – with countdowns – see Progression tab


  1. Angles for passes
  2. Leads up and down the line


  1. Do not dive
  2. Press on loss to stop the pass to the other box

Coach sends ball in to NON transgressing team

  1. Most passes in box
  2. Players allowed in box or kept on lines
  3. Increase/Reduce size of box to add ease or difficulty
  4. One/two touch
  5. Countdown the last 15 secs of each cycle

    Rondo - kabadi pairs


    Rondo - kabadi pairs
