Warmups | Hockey Training

Players won’t stay in the safety zones for long!
Objective - Ball passing and receiving ...
Hockey Training
Warm up game – two people facing a cone. Call whether they need to put their hands ( head, shoulders etc ) then shout Cone. First one to ...
Hockey Training
Ball carry from base to ? Players start on 25 and sprint with ball until half way/base line Players have to listen to coach instructions: Stop = stop ...
Hockey Training
Teams of 5. Each player is numbered 1-5. Coach calls out a number and that player(s) run from their box and play against their fellow numbers from the ...
Hockey Training
4x10x10m squares in a square (20*20).   Players carry the ball around all the squares. Cones used to give players instruction. Green- sprint, Orange- jogging, Red- stop. Progression 1: Introduce ...
Hockey Training
All the team has a ball and dribbles around in a certain fashion then the coach can call: Change = direction Skill = perform that skill Number = ...
Jog line to line 30 sec
With the proliferation of injury in younger children I thought it appropriate to have a “Personal exercise programme” (PEP) that reduces the risk of injury – especially knee ...
Game #20 Noughts And Crosses
Objective – moving and controlling the balls ...
Game #4 Shark Attack
Objective – learn to tackle/run to space ...
Hockey Training
Objective – teach how to defend feet/dribbling the ball ...
Objective – running with the ball ...
Hockey Training
Cones in a specific shape (Triangle usually best) 1 less player than shape – Each player has ball They chase each other around the cones Can alternate direction ...
Hockey Training
Create groups of 3 Place all groups in defined area Make them pass to each other Progression Specific weight of passes Specify types of passes (slap, push, hits ...
Hockey Training
4 or more players Players stand in a circle and pass the ball to one another Each time they pass they must call out the name of the ...
Hockey Training
Pick a leader and have him dribble anywhere on the field Encourage him to make lots of turns, changing speed, etc. All other players have to follow the ...
Hockey Training
Every kid has a ball and they must dribble in the D They must keep control You can shout instructions – Fast, slow, stop, start They must not ...
Hockey Training
Split players into 2s They need to touch their opponents knee as much as poss Do this for 30 secs Then swop over Progression They now have a ...
Hockey Training
Identify an area Circle or D Designate 2 or more players to hold hands They now need to tag everyone else in the group WHILST holding hands Each ...
Hockey Training
Start with a person in the middle. That person is the thrower, or “it.” Everyone else should stand within arm’s reach of the thrower. The thrower tosses the ...
Objective – learn defending and attacking skills in a tight space ...
Escape Theorugh the Gates
Objective – ball handling ...
One Touch Pass On The Move
Objective – Teach active give and gos ...
Players: 8 minimum Pitch Size: 15y x 30y In this mastery drill, players will work in pairs with 1 ball. ...