Mindset, Method & Culture | Page 3 of 5 | Hockey Training

Hockey Training
Ever heard the phrase that “one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.”? When you are developing a culture especially in a grass roots environment there are few ...
Hockey Training
Here is a TO-DO list for your Team Leaders – get it wrong and it can destroy a team  You MUST lead by example, if you cannot lead ...
Hockey Training
I recently had a “interesting” conversation with someone about favourites… ...
Hockey Training
The Winning Difference @thewinningdiff1 ...
Hockey Training
When they’re engaging in a process of reflection…reflecting on the game they’ve just played…l suggest to players that they split the mental side of the game from the ...
Hockey Training
You’ve hurt someone – do you know how to repair things: Here’s one methodology : Own your role: communicate that you understand how you hurt them. Focus solely ...
Hockey Training
The player looks out onto the training pitch…another session! She’s exhausted so she reaches for her tools…her mental tools… She starts with self-talk – she makes sure she’s ...
Hockey Training
The core 8 Realities that All Head Coaches Face: It will consume you. Coaching is more than just a job – it’s a way of life. You’ll spend ...
Hockey Training
Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset People with fixed mindsets believe that their abilities & intelligence are fixed traits that can’t be changed. People with a growth mindset believe ...
Hockey Training
“Fear of Failure” holds many athletes back. How can athletes overcome this? Failure Does Not Exist Kobe Bryant said, “failure does not exist.” There is great power in ...
Hockey Training
Some phrases that team leaders can use to help hold their teammates ACCOUNTABLE. “That is not the way we do things here.” This is a simple yet powerful ...
Having a simple framework to ensure players are working toward a shared mental model can improve training sessions which in turn will elevate the quality of play. The ...
Hockey Training
  Formula One (F1) is the most prestigious motor-racing competition on the planet. Every season, from March to December, 10 F1 teams participate in races across the world. ...
Hockey Training
My experience was fairly unusual. Nevertheless, the intersectional game I’m sharing today is useful for anyone, because what’s true is that you and I overlap in terms of our ability ...
Hockey Training
We have a tendency to get too complicated when deciding how to achieve short term objectives – here are some ideas Break outcome objectives down into actions and ...
Hockey Training
Feedback can be very onerous for both parties so do it carefully – here are some ideas: Be empathic – identify with them and what they are feeling ...
Hockey Training
First, get your team into groups of three.  Second, ask someone from each group to raise their hand, only one person from each group. That person is now ...
Hockey Training
I recently came across this article by Dr Colman Noctor a Child psychotherapist. He is talking about playing children “up” a category or age group “It’s questionable that ...
Hockey Training
Probably one of the most important decisions you can make in your life is who you choose to surround yourself with choose those who will impact your success. ...
Hockey Training
Hockey Training
At least once every couple of seasons you should get leadership or teams into a room to map out and discuss your teams existing or desired culture. Collaboration ...
Hockey Training
As a Head coach you need to be able to do 4 key things to a high level to have a chance to succeed It’s not just putting ...
Hockey Training
After a tough loss: Stress hormones are often through the roof. Our sense of competency, self-worth, and confidence plummet. We are in threat mode. To the Coach – ...
Hockey Training
There is 1 Question Every Coach Should ask their Team at the beginning of the season – this question then sets your player standards and non negotiables for ...
Hockey Training
“There’s no team without trust,” says Paul Santagata, Head of Industry at Google. Paul carried out a massive two-year study on team performance, which revealed that the highest-performing teams have ...
Hockey Training
Great coaches coach ‘knowledge-of’ the game and they coach ‘knowledge-in’ the game. What’s the difference between the two? ‘Knowledge-of’ the game refers to task-specific expertise – procedural knowledge ...
Hockey Training
I’d like to propose that developing-elite competitors in talent pathways be taught to cultivate a narrative that asserts their version of events that unfold in front of them. ...
Hockey Training
Well-being and mental health care for sports participants and competitors can start with… Psychologically Safe Environments: where the thoughts, feelings, experiences and personalities of its participants are considered ...
Hockey Training
Competitive mindset largely consists of: Attention Intensity Intent Individual and team mental slip-ups reside in the complex mix of attention, intensity, intent…and the coach as deep-dive detective has to ...
Hockey Training
Thoughts…emotions…feelings These three human experiences damage more sporting performances than any opposition ever could. They prevent learning from happening more times than bad teaching ever could (possibly…probably!) At ...
Hockey Training
Sustainable success is not about chasing short-term wins or external validation. It’s about cultivating a mindset and a practice that aligns with your values and purpose. Here are ...
Hockey Training
10 ideas on keeping coaching fun for children Make the experience fun & enjoyable, creating an environment where the children can not wait to come back next week ...
Hockey Training
An ode from Dan Abrahams about grassroots coaching The grassroots coach is the greatest of psychologists… Far greater than Pep Guardiola or Mikel Arteta. Far, far greater! They’re ...
Hockey Training
Let’s start with these 8 points COMPETITIVE SPIRIT! “Competitive Spirit” was at the TOP of Wooden’s Pyramid of Success. “Spirit” is contagious. Coaches want this to spread   throughout ...