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Hockey Training
Resilience is a set of attitudes, behaviours, and responses to short or long-term adversities. In hockey, it refers to a player’s ability to withstand challenges, setbacks, and pressure, ...
Hockey Training
Phil Jackson – “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” Great teams know how to come together. They trust ...
Hockey Training
Skilful coach questioning can help players: -to take responsibility for their learning -to learn how to learn -to be more curious -to persist -to self-monitor -to develop critical ...
Hockey Training
Steph Curry of basketball fame is the Best Shooter of All Time. 7 of his insights about “being the best” “If you don’t fall, how are you going ...
Hockey Training
I am biased but I would really like my parents to understand… We CARE about your Child Even if your child is not in the right team or ...
Hockey Training
Your attitude is a choice on how you want to respond to life’s challenges. A positive attitude is a choice for hope and belief. A negative attitude is a ...
Hockey Training
What am I trying to accomplish? What do I want most? What do I care about? What do I not care about? What is the highest excellence I ...
Hockey Training
Showing Up You have to show up and do the work every day. It’s the first step in self-discipline because it’s where you choose long-term goals over immediate ...
Hockey Training
METHODS ARE DRIVEN BY YOUR BELIEFS AND ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT SKILL LEARNING Therefore, understanding how people learn and perform movement skills is the foundation to your coaching and should ...
Hockey Training
Mastering the Numbers Game in Football Ever marveled at how some teams weave through defenses effortlessly? It’s the magic of “Attacking Overloads” in the final third. Let’s unravel ...
Hockey Training
Mental Before you compete, generate a picture in your mind of how you want play – the tasks you want to execute, the body language you want to ...
Hockey Training
Today is the most important day of your life! When life enters the twilight years, we enter a reflective period. We consider where we’ve been, what we’ve done, ...
Hockey Training
Telling children that they’re the best doesn’t build self-esteem. So how do you build self-esteem? Remember your worth is not defined by what you achieve or acquire. It’s ...
Hockey Training
“Which one are you? Survivor: does just enough to get by Contender: motivated by external factors only Competitor: internally motivated to be his best regardless of the situation ...
Hockey Training
Selection is EARNED – how do you earn you spot? Be the hardest worker in the room – Want to stick out? Be the HARDEST Worker on the ...
Hockey Training
Here are 8 quotes that shed some light on the legendary coach, Dean Smith. Exec Summary Leadership – develop followers Praise the right things Life and Death – ...
Hockey Training
Some coaching thoughts and advice… Culture As the coach, you are the leader. Lead by example. Culture is what you allow and what you emphasize. Play the long ...
Hockey Training
Accountability is the acceptance of responsibility for one’s own actions. It implies a willingness to be transparent, allowing others to observe and evaluate one’s performance. ________________ Holding yourself ...
Hockey Training
When do you see the rewards of your endeavours? I read this recently: My takeaway is that what you put in now may not come to fruition for ...
Do not shield your child
I am seeing more and more in my coaching the incidence of  children breaking down at the end or during the game or even when things do not ...
Hockey Training
Here are the 5 five things I look to do to develop the players in my teams/squads Build a Strong Team Culture: Create a team culture that values ...
Hockey Training
Definition DISCIPLINE is doing what has to be done, when it has to be done, and doing it that way all the time. Process Disciplined athletes are focused ...
Hockey Training
“A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who ...
Hockey Training
Podcasts are a great way of learning whilst you can be doing some other mundane activity (driving, on the train – walking the dog?) If you are seriously ...
Hockey Training
 4 Habits That Kill Confidence Failure to Start This is the state when you constantly doubt yourself. You know what needs to be done, but don’t do it. ...
Hockey Training
Are you supporting entitlement with any players in your program? They will destroy your culture. Here are 10 reflective questions COACHES can ask themselves to make sure. Do ...
Hockey Training
Investing more in team work brings huge gains in team performance. We can make huge gains with team effectiveness, morale, relationships, development, etc. Here are some key features ...
Hockey Training
Do you want to have fun doing something or do you want to do something that is rewarding? Have you ever heard the following statement: “The sport just ...
Hockey Training
Self-confidence is a game-changer for athletes. It’s that inner belief in our abilities that propels us to greatness. The question is how do you develop it? All the ...
Hockey Training
My values I coach to help develop players, to help them be the best they can be Everyone must have fun – but be “in the game” I ...
Hockey Training
“Mediocre people hate high achievers, and high achievers hate mediocre people.” A big key to success is in surrounding yourself with like-minded people. Who you hang with matters. ...
Hockey Training
Character Character matters A LOT. Do you make the right choices in your sport and school? Bad choices? If so then forget the next level.  Body Language – ...
Hockey Training
Fantastic article on modern day coaching in sport. Let’s embrace a “Bazball” approach! Some takeaway messages that could be useful for coaches at any level… Embrace a culture ...