Children | Hockey Training

Hockey Training
Deal with your “complaint” mindset     What changes can you make     ...
Hockey Training
What is appropriate at what age ...
Hockey Training
Complaining distracts… It distracts you from action. It distracts you from gratitude. It distracts you from finding solutions. It distracts you from positivity. ...
Hockey Training
We have all faced the challenge of managing engagement, there are tomes written on the subject (here is one) According to the latest Gallup study, the average for ...
Hockey Training
Why do we pay so much money for our children to do sports? Personally I don’t pay for my child to to “do sport” – frankly I couldn’t ...
Hockey Training
Amanda Visek from George Washington university did some exceptional research around youth sports The research identified 81 fun-determinants – these were organized into 11 fun-factors and then rated ...
Hockey Training
Look at your process – and decide what you need to do to drive the outcome that you want. Success is just the end result, it’s the daily ...
Hockey Training
Steph Curry of basketball fame is the Best Shooter of All Time. 7 of his insights about “being the best” “If you don’t fall, how are you going ...
Hockey Training
Your attitude is a choice on how you want to respond to life’s challenges. A positive attitude is a choice for hope and belief. A negative attitude is a ...
Hockey Training
What am I trying to accomplish? What do I want most? What do I care about? What do I not care about? What is the highest excellence I ...
Hockey Training
Today is the most important day of your life! When life enters the twilight years, we enter a reflective period. We consider where we’ve been, what we’ve done, ...
Hockey Training
Telling children that they’re the best doesn’t build self-esteem. So how do you build self-esteem? Remember your worth is not defined by what you achieve or acquire. It’s ...
Hockey Training
Selection is EARNED – how do you earn you spot? Be the hardest worker in the room – Want to stick out? Be the HARDEST Worker on the ...
Hockey Training
When do you see the rewards of your endeavours? I read this recently: My takeaway is that what you put in now may not come to fruition for ...
Hockey Training
Definition DISCIPLINE is doing what has to be done, when it has to be done, and doing it that way all the time. Process Disciplined athletes are focused ...
Hockey Training
Are you supporting entitlement with any players in your program? They will destroy your culture. Here are 10 reflective questions COACHES can ask themselves to make sure. Do ...
Hockey Training
Do you want to have fun doing something or do you want to do something that is rewarding? Have you ever heard the following statement: “The sport just ...
Hockey Training
Here is a TO-DO list for your Team Leaders – get it wrong and it can destroy a team  You MUST lead by example, if you cannot lead ...
Hockey Training
You’ve hurt someone – do you know how to repair things: Here’s one methodology : Own your role: communicate that you understand how you hurt them. Focus solely ...
Hockey Training
“Fear of Failure” holds many athletes back. How can athletes overcome this? Failure Does Not Exist Kobe Bryant said, “failure does not exist.” There is great power in ...
Hockey Training
We have a tendency to get too complicated when deciding how to achieve short term objectives – here are some ideas Break outcome objectives down into actions and ...
Hockey Training
I recently came across this article by Dr Colman Noctor a Child psychotherapist. He is talking about playing children “up” a category or age group “It’s questionable that ...
Hockey Training
Hockey Training
10 ideas on keeping coaching fun for children Make the experience fun & enjoyable, creating an environment where the children can not wait to come back next week ...
Hockey Training
Strategies that can help prevent children from quitting sports before age 13: Encourage children to have fun and not focus solely on winning. Make sure children have enough ...
Hockey Training
Coaches often face situations in which they have little to no experience or that they’re not sure about. It can be nerve-wracking and even demoralising, if the outcome ...
The cost of winning | The desire to win has become a losing battle | Those interviewed in the following story are expressing personal opinions and are not ...
Dr. Peter Gray compellingly brings attention to the reality that over the past 60 years in the United States there has been a gradual ...
In support of England Hockey's "Golden Thread" here is some research around what kids really want in the sporting activities ...
A short sharp extremely relevant video about enabling your child – helping them make decisions and become accountable – critical on the sports pitch. Video is courtesy of ...