Deny, Delay, Disrupt & Channel | Page 2 of 2 | Hockey Training

Rondo’s Continued Part 2 “Move The Ball To Move The Player!” – “3V3+3+3”
Coaching Points 3v3 inside hexagon, looking for link up play, 1/2s & bounce passes. Players on outside, link up to receive pressure. ...
Defender runs into the box with the ball where the 2 attackers try to take possession of the ball on doing so the 2 attackers break out of ...
1V1 Different Angle Into Circle
Playing 1v1, try and score. It is important to play at speed and go close round the defender. Defender has to try and get ...
1/4 pitch with an area in each corner | 12-14 players players 2 teams (2 subs) | Objective for defense is to channel and contain in corner | ...
1/8 pitch with 3 zones - 1 large central and 2 smaller at each end | 2 x 5 teams - 1 off pitch at each end and ...
Explicit Coaching Objectives | Defenders to block tackle | Defenders to jab to delay | Defenders to channel to left and right ...
block tackle
Tackling in all its guises - including channelling | 1.Force player onto the strong side (channelling him) - line your body up appropriately ...