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Hockey Training
Character Character matters A LOT. Do you make the right choices in your sport and school? Bad choices? If so then forget the next level.  Body Language – ...
Hockey Training
Here is a TO-DO list for your Team Leaders – get it wrong and it can destroy a team  You MUST lead by example, if you cannot lead ...
Hockey Training
I recently had a “interesting” conversation with someone about favourites… ...
Hockey Training
The Winning Difference @thewinningdiff1 ...
Hockey Training
When they’re engaging in a process of reflection…reflecting on the game they’ve just played…l suggest to players that they split the mental side of the game from the ...
Hockey Training
The player looks out onto the training pitch…another session! She’s exhausted so she reaches for her tools…her mental tools… She starts with self-talk – she makes sure she’s ...
Hockey Training
Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset People with fixed mindsets believe that their abilities & intelligence are fixed traits that can’t be changed. People with a growth mindset believe ...
Hockey Training
“Fear of Failure” holds many athletes back. How can athletes overcome this? Failure Does Not Exist Kobe Bryant said, “failure does not exist.” There is great power in ...
Hockey Training
My experience was fairly unusual. Nevertheless, the intersectional game I’m sharing today is useful for anyone, because what’s true is that you and I overlap in terms of our ability ...
Hockey Training
After a tough loss: Stress hormones are often through the roof. Our sense of competency, self-worth, and confidence plummet. We are in threat mode. To the Coach – ...
Hockey Training
I’d like to propose that developing-elite competitors in talent pathways be taught to cultivate a narrative that asserts their version of events that unfold in front of them. ...
Hockey Training
Well-being and mental health care for sports participants and competitors can start with… Psychologically Safe Environments: where the thoughts, feelings, experiences and personalities of its participants are considered ...
Hockey Training
Competitive mindset largely consists of: Attention Intensity Intent Individual and team mental slip-ups reside in the complex mix of attention, intensity, intent…and the coach as deep-dive detective has to ...
Hockey Training
Thoughts…emotions…feelings These three human experiences damage more sporting performances than any opposition ever could. They prevent learning from happening more times than bad teaching ever could (possibly…probably!) At ...
Hockey Training
Let’s start with these 8 points COMPETITIVE SPIRIT! “Competitive Spirit” was at the TOP of Wooden’s Pyramid of Success. “Spirit” is contagious. Coaches want this to spread   throughout ...
Hockey Training
What might go wrong? How might it feel? What is our immediate reaction? What is longer term reaction? What are the implications – NOW or Later How are ...
Hockey Training
Here are some questions that can be really useful for players to ask themselves – force them to think about, analyse, & critically appraise their mental game Confidence: ...
Hockey Training
In sport, well-being can tend to start with your players’ relationship with their performance and subsequent outcomes.“I must perform” and “I must win” may be ineffective, energy-sapping narratives ...
Hockey Training
Steve Magness the author of “Do Hard Things” highlights a number of key lessons  His view (according to recent thread on twitter) is that 90% of coaching is ...
Hockey Training
A team in a slump…low on confidence. Players: Distracted – Lacking intensity – Executing skills with little or no intent. Here is one solution, BUT difficult or not ...
Hockey Training
How do you manage the mental side of your game? The psychology of sport is continuous, it never stops, it happens every second you play and every second you ...
Hockey Training
There are 2 key factors to a decision How/What to do When – Timing ...