Communicating | Hockey Training

Life requires change, every single day, if you as a leader are not facing resistance, then quite likely you are not pushing their teams enough. BUT the big minds say, we shouldn’t fight resistance but rather understand it. ...
Good teams have good managers and those managers “got good” by developing trust within the team Act Consistently Teams watch their manager’s behavior very closely, and will take note of how you behave. If you behave consistently – ...
You’ve hurt someone – do you know how to repair things: Here’s one methodology : Own your role: communicate that you understand how you hurt them. Focus solely on them, not your own feelings. By owning your role, ...
We have a tendency to get too complicated when deciding how to achieve short term objectives – here are some ideas Break outcome objectives down into actions and a time span “I want to win so what can ...
Great coaches coach ‘knowledge-of’ the game and they coach ‘knowledge-in’ the game. What’s the difference between the two? ‘Knowledge-of’ the game refers to task-specific expertise – procedural knowledge ‘stored’ in long term memory visually and/or verbally. This can ...
The world’s greatest coaches use teaching techniques in their coaching to help players engage, learn, and perform… Here’s some details some fantastic teaching techniques that all coaches can use Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction Within this framework are lots of ...
In a video below Burnley manager Vincent Kompany is coaching one of his centre backs. Below is a model of learning accompanied by some teaching techniques that could be used by Kompany to better help this player learn ...
Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are ...
Coaches often face situations in which they have little to no experience or that they’re not sure about. It can be nerve-wracking and even demoralising, if the outcome isn’t as expected. The new Coaching the Person in Front ...
Stage 1: Remember developmental considerations Before using the tool, you should consider your young players’ mental and emotional abilities to ensure the approaches your implement are age- and stage-appropriate. The team define ‘young athlete’ as 6–17 years of age, ...
Simple Coach-to-Player Communication Tips: Don’t interrupt Don’t waffle Don’t treat the conversation like a competition Don’t end on a negative Keep it short Build a relationship Talk to them about NON-school subjects Let them tell you about THEIR ...
Choosing the right words can engage and motivate players, just as the wrong words will turn them off. ...

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