4v3 circle game

Objective – 

GameFocus onTransition/ResetProgression
  • Coach feeds the ball in to one of the attacking team players who start outside of the circle
  • Attack try and score/win corner
  • Defending team are trying to win the ball and pass back to the coach.
  • If the defending team pass back to the coach they get the next ball and attack 3v4
  • Play 3 balls then swap personnel

Players per team
4v4 + 2 GKS

Time per set
5 minutes

Rest time
1 minute


  • 3pts for a goal
  • 1pt for a shot on target
  • 1pt for a corner won

Example rules for each set:

  • SET 1-3 minutes to attack for each team (most points wins)
  • SET 2– Sniper mentality- no shot = swap over who is attacking immediately (most points wins) (6 minutes)
  • SET 3-Alternate, first team to 10 points wins

Attacking focus

  • Attack at pace with eyes up when under pressure
  • Timing of leading inside the circle

Defending focus

  • Put the striker under pressure and try to deny shots on target
  • Apply forehand pressure on the first attacker

GK focus

  • Try to start clear to the coach
  • Avoid rebound opportunities



4v3 circle game

4v3 circle game
