4 tips for a better more effective session

4 tips for better session planning with the aim of driving player development.

  1. Identify what you want to resolve from a match (The topic)Take a full match, identify the area and the scenario where your topic takes place
    1. What does the area look like?
    2. How many players are involved?
    3. What are the problems that need to be solved?
  2. Focus on ONLY 1-3 items otherwise you will overload “Less outcomes, more focus”
    “When you chase five rabbits, you catch none.”

    1. To avoid overloading players have 1-3 specific areas of focus you want to develop within the session
    2. Revisit these over time to cement learning
  3. “What is tactically desirable must be technically achievable”
    1. Know your players capabilities and set realistic requirements of them
    2. The technical capability of an U10 vs U14 will be hugely different
    3. The challenge must be appropriate and realistic!
  4. Keep the game flowing
    1. Time on the ball loads of touches
    2. Plan what type of interventions you may use throughout the session
      1. Does the whole session have to stop?
      2. Utilise natural breaks
      3. Can you pick the players off
    3. Ask probing q’s and drive discussion between the players